Wednesday, June 11, 2008

De Nova-The Redwalls

Yes, although I'm back with yet another review, mainly because I'm working with a few bands right now, still in the interviewing stage, but will have articles up very soon if all things go to plan, but I just want to review what is perhaps one of my favorite records. De Nova by the Redwalls.
I mean, Logan Baren sounds (almost effortlessly) flawlessly alike to Bob Dylan. Although that might be a bad thing according to some people. The thing is though, Logan Baren sounds more like the legendary Dylan, then Dylan's own son Jakob (especially in songs like Glory of War and Front Page which both ironically have a Dylan-esque theme to them of anti-war).
This record is not to go without it's flaws though. There is a little too much harmony in some songs (as if I could actually find myself saying that with my love of the sound of harmony). I mean, it's not completely over-the-top, but it isn't even that much of a harmony sound, as it is Logan and Justin Baren singing the same piece of music in the same key. It just gets to be a little too much because it all seems to get mashed together.

Also, and I just have to get this out there on the table. This whole record is almost flawless with the exception of one song. Love Her. It's not good. The record was a little lengthy to being with, but that was just a waste of a song, in my opinion. Besides  that, it's almost hard to point out any sort of flaw in the entire record.
Now to the strong points of the record. For those of you who grew up during the 1960's/1970's or are a fan of the music of that era, this sounds like the good ol' fashion music from then. The guitar sound just sounds like it's raw, and original, and not messed with by new age pedals or effects. 

The one, key point to this record (and band for that matter) is the lead singer's (Logan Baren) voice. You just don't get people who sing like that anymore. It's carefree, and just original sounding, and to me, that's what makes this band really stand out above the rest of the bands in the music industry (if you can even call it an industry anymore).
I'd give it a good four stars, and it'd be four and a half, if it wasn't for Love Her. It's good. Pick it up if you get a chance. It's worth 9 or 10 dollars.

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