Monday, July 28, 2008

With a Little Help from my Friends

In 1960, four guys in Liverpool, England started up a band. They grew to be one of the biggest and most popular bands in the history of Rock & Roll. These guys are the soul purpose of modern rock this point, you should know that I'm talking about the Beatles.

Despite how ridiculously cheezy of an opening that was, just think of what the Beatles have done. I'm not going to spill a bunch of BS about how the Beatles "invented" rock music, because we all know that's not true. In fact, Elvis Presley didn't even "invent" it. In my own personal opinion, I think that Chuck Berry invented rock & roll music. So, the Beatles might not have made it, but damn it, they perfected it.

Think where Rock music would be today with out The White Album(which is number one on my favorite records.) No one had heard that before. No one had even thought about that before, and yeah, maybe it was the acid talking, but it's still tops. The song Helter Skelter alone could be considered as part of the reason we have distortion in guitars. Who knows, Daft Punk might have been influenced by the trippy "musical experience" that one experiences in Revolution No. 9.

My point is, hands down, the Beatles are the greatest rock band ever. I'm not even saying that from a fan stand point. Led Zeppelin is up there (and I'm not even a Zeppelin fan) but you have to take into consideration that Zeppelin was most likely influenced in some way by the (at the time) revolutionary sound the Beatles had come up with.

Song writing is a totally different story. Neither of those bands come close to the level of song writing of Bob Dylan, who I hold true to be the greatest song writer ever. I think I could say that even the Beatles were influenced by him in some way...his early stuff. If you listen to a lot of the lyrics that the Beatles wrote (especially in the latter days of their life as a band ie. Abbey Road) there's a lot of similarities. The one aspect that really stands out to me, is the fact that they're both incredibly symbolic with their words. A lot of metaphors and similies are used...and people don't write like that. It sounds odd to say, but the people (usually) who are influenced by Bob Dylan are influenced souly by his sound, not so much the words he uses...with the exception of the Redwalls.

I say the Redwalls, and anyone who knows them knows why, because they are...Dylan. The sound sounds damn-near flawless, and some of the songs are written the way Dylan would write them...just full of many of their songs are political. But not in a bad, sell out kind of way, but rather, it's more of a release, which isn't exactly bad. You just have to get over it, and listen to the music, despite if you agree with the artist or not.

This is nothing more then a's going on 2:30 here. In fact, tomorrow, I'll probably wake up and read this, and be totally disappointed with myself. I'm tired, dozing off here-and-there. I'll update again very soon. Thank you.


1 comment:

heathereather said...

I'm obsessed with Bob Dylan.
and i agree about the music taste thing!
Seeing as we're doing compliments.. you are really smart! it intimidates me slightly..
and don't worry i'm not creeped out but thanks!