Thursday, November 27, 2008

Something different...

Hey guys, I'm back again. It's become difficult for me to consistently update this thing. I'm going to take a little bit different approach to this entry. Rather then sputtering out facts about music and my opinions on them, I'm actually going to go a bit deeper into the way music has affected my emotional status, and vent a little bit at the same time.
Let me start by saying, that tonight I realized that I am completely emotionally numb, and that even in the face of any travesty that I could possibly face, and all that numbness comes from one source. The mind-numbing media (despite how cliche that sounds) and that even though I am so out of "the loop" of current events, I still find it hard to 1)Pay attention in classes, 2)Get enthused about work, and finally 3)Accept other peoples opinions and inputs to anything I'm involved in. 
When all of that is put into play, it makes me sound like I'm not unique or I'm not "my own person" but in all honesty, that's who I try to be everyday of my life. I try to be my own Kevin, and not what all the other kids in my school see as "cool." I view life a lot like the way John Lennon saw song writing. You can do the same thing over and over again, and try to change it, but it will always be the same thing. So to the people out there like me, who are stuck in the rut that is high school, I want to say that if you're going to be doing the same thing regardless, then have  some fun with it. 

The song "Roll With It" by Oasis is one of the greatest songs for rebels in today's generation....or sort of today's generation. "You gotta say what you say/Don't let anybody get in your way." How fitting for a high school... So many times in my day-to-day life I find myself biting my tongue and holding back to fight for what I know is right. But I've never sold myself out and I can say that with a Hell of a lot of pride.

So, I mean, it's not that tough to get lost and bogged down as a teenager in today's society, but the only way to cope with that is through music. Music has helped me through some of the toughest times in my short life. So, just keep rolling, and don't give up.